What Is MVC And Advantages Of MVC

What is MVC


Model, View, and Controller (MVC) is a design pattern that splits an application into three logical sections: the model section, the view section, and the controller section. Originally used to develop desktop graphical user interfaces, it is currently employed in the creation of web and mobile applications. In this blog, I am going to speak about MVC and its advantages. If you want to learn more about MVC, join MVC Training in Chennai with certification and placement support for your career development.

What is MVC?

MVC is an architectural pattern, which implies it controls the entire application design. Even though it is frequently referred to as a design pattern, doing so may be inaccurate because design patterns are used to address certain technical issues, but architecture patterns address architectural issues, having an impact on the entire design of our program.

It has three main components:




and each of them has specific responsibilities.


Since it is considered to be at the lowest level, it is in charge of data maintenance. Logic-based data handling is basically how it handles data. Since the model and database are genuinely linked, everything you do with data will work. In the model component, data is added or retrieved. Because the controller never communicates with the database on its own, it reacts to queries from the controller. The model continuously communicates with the database before providing the controller with the required information. Notably, the model and view never had direct communication.


The view component handles data representation. In reality, it creates the user interface (UI) for the user. Therefore, when you think of the view component in web applications, merely think of the HTML/CSS portion. The data that the model component gathers for views is obtained through the controller rather than directly, so the view only communicates with the controller. Join MVC Course in Chennai with certification and placement support for your career development.


As the component that provides the link between the views and the model, the controller is referred to as the “main man” since it serves as an intermediate. The controller only needs to instruct the model—it doesn’t have to worry about handling data logic. After processing the data it has received from the model, it sends it to the view and instructs the user on how to depict it. Views and models cannot directly converse.

Advantages Of MVC

MVC architecture’s advantages include separating business logic from the user interface.

Components can be reused.

– Simple to maintain

– Different parts of the application can be deployed and maintained separately in MVC.

– This architecture made it possible to test individual components.

Attention Reader! Join MVC Classes in Chennai with certification and placement support and enhance your career.


I hope that this blog helps you to get some valuable information about MVC. If you want to learn more about MVC, then join FITA Academy because it provides you training from real-time working professionals with certification and placement support for your career development.

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